Welcome Open Doors!

There is so much newness happening in my life. So many wonderful opportunities and long awaited happenings. My pot is brimming full of change, transition, liberation, and possibility! But I’ve had a nagging fear that it could all be a fluke or disappear. It was far less obstructive than before but it was still there. . . Like a nagging fly.

Last night, my mind was going 1000 mph as I mindlessly watched random videos. But I received a call that snatched me out of that janky stream of thought. I was reminded that this time in my life is a manifestation of the good that was always coming. I was reminded to let go of the trauma and embrace this freedom! Good things happen to me-that’s not an impossible concept. AND I don’t live to please people. AND I don’t have to live in fear of it going up in flames. It’s not a fluke! This is real life in real time. And I can share without fear of impending doom. (Thanks Mama Doc)

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I’m going to be teaching in the Fall and it’s a stellar opportunity that I’m excited to share more about soon! I released my first (of many) books. I have a growing creative community of people wherein we celebrate and uphold each other. The chains are waaaaaaaay back there. And I am waaaaaay up here. In the here and now.

May we all step into our God-given right to be! And may our minds continue to be freed and our spirits nourished with the fruit of encouragement. May we all be sustained with the promise of an abundant tomorrow. I hear doors opening!!!! 🚪 💫

-Teddy the Brave

Teddy Holmes