The Algorithm

I don’t know who needs this, but YOU ARE THE ALGORITHM.


We tend to spend so much time on “working towards our dreams” that we often forget to celebrate ourselves along the way.  And man oh man, how often do we need to be reminded that we are not competing with anyone? How much we forget that no one is going to show up with what we have.   An irrational fear I’ve had to deal with is the idea that somehow, someone is going to replace my creative existence on earth because they will have procured resources before I do.   I’ve also felt like time & finances just won’t align long for me to see things through.  Yikes!


Raise your hand if you’ve been guilty of steeping in some strange fear or worry as it relates to your dream path.  .  . yep, that’s what I thought.  It’s hard out here folks, we have enough challenges as it is without facilitating a space more worry-so don’t! Love the way you dream.  Love the way it looks.  Celebrate the rareness that is you.  That is what will cause you to flourish.  Maybe tomorrow, maybe later, but you will flourish.  You’re the how.  That is the answer to the big questions. 


For now, I’m remaining present in this moment.  I am being still.  I am preparing.  I am planning and revisiting the dreams as they came to me from inside me.  Essentially, I’m breaking up the fallow ground and making myself available for nourishment.  I CANNOT worry about who might have all the time, money, and resources on their side.  I have to focus on me, the answer.  I’m the algorithm I’ve been searching for and I’m available once more to the dream that won’t let me go.  -Teddy the Brave

Teddy Holmes